Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I just wanna tell you how I feel.

Today I spent most of the day doing our narc audit with another intern.  So fun!  NOT.  We found at least 5 discrepancies...and that's 5 too many.  We were lucky enough (again, please infer sarcasm) to have to figure out why there were discrepancies.

But, never fear!  I wasn't that busy with narcs that I couldn't wait on a customer or two to get this gem: 

I ring out this patient who gets a script for Vicodin ES and something else (I can't remember what it antibiotic maybe?).  I ask him if he has any questions for the pharmacist, and he responds laughingly, "Well, can I drink alcohol with these?  Haha..."  I smiled, thinking he was joking, and replied that it is never advisable to drink alcohol with any medication, especially Vicodin ES.  The following is the subsequent conversation we had:

Patient:  But seriously, can I drink while I take these?
Me:  It's really not recommended, sir, especially with the Vicodin.
Patient:  Well, can you ask the pharmacist how long I should wait between drinking and taking one of these then?
Me:  Uhm, okay. (I consult the pharmacist, who rolls her eyes and shakes her head as I relay the conversation.  She tells me what to tell him, and I return to the customer.)  Sir, she says she can't even recommend  that.  You really shouldn't drink while taking that medication.
Patient:  Oh, I was just wondering...I have horseshoes on Thursday nights.

Really, I mean really?!  I should have said, "Would you rather be pain-free or almost dead?"  And come to think of it, he probably shouldn't even be playing horseshoes while taking Vicodin, anyway.  You're not supposed to "operate heavy machinery", ie cars, steam rollers, farm equipment.  How are you supposed to chuck a heavy horseshoe toward a pin sticking out of the ground?  Too bad he didn't get metronidazole...we probably would have still had the same conversation, then I would have told him to make sure he drinks a fifth of vodka and call me in the morning to tell me how he feels.

Oh, how I love my patients.

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