Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A little more time.

Welp, one final down, two to go.  My first final wasn't too much of a bruiser, nothing I couldn't handle.  I keep looking at the stack of notes for my next couple finals, and I just don't care.  It's too nice outside right now to sit in here all cooped up studying.  I think it's pretty ironic that our very last lecture ever in my therapeutics class was ADHD.  Maybe they did that on purpose.  All I know is my attention span is about 2.320981 seconds.

I am not looking forward to my next two finals.  I can't concentrate for shit, and all I keep thinking about his how much I have to do before this weekend.  My lease ends May 31st, and I'm moving this weekend to a place that is way more cost-efficient, since only my first 4 rotations in the town where my school is.  The other 3 are at home, so I'll obviously live with my parents (eek!).  I'm celebrating the end of my classroom career with my classmates Thursday right after our final, but I really need to pack.  I need to go get boxes, throw shit away.  It's amazing how much stuff I've accrued over three years.

Bleh...oh, well.  APPE 1 starts in less than two weeks.  At my school, we're required to contact our preceptors 30 days in advance of beginning a rotation so we can find out if there are any site-specific requirements, what time we should show up, etc.  I e-mailed this dude 3 weeks ago but never got a response.  I finally called yesterday to see what the hold up was.  He said he needs to catch up on e-mails, whatever that means.  It doesn't matter anyway.  It sounds like my schedule will be flexible, so I'm happy about that.  I'm hoping that means as long as I get my assignments done and complete the hour requirements, I can make a 3-day weekend here and there.  That would be good, especially since my manager back home wants me to try to work once a month just to stay on payroll.  I really hope that counts for something when they're deciding which interns to hire in the fall.  I drop everything to go in when they're in a lurch, I've worked split shifts between two stores resulting in 13-hour days, I stay late, etc.  I hope they realize that.

Anywho, I should probably get back to 'studying.'  Thursday can't come soon enough.

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